Image Resizer
You can resize your pictures and images without changing their quality.
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Image Resizer is free online picture resizer
When the size of your photos matters, you often have to give up its quality. But with Image Resizer you don’t have to make this compromise! You can resize your pictures and images without changing their quality. There is no need to install any additional software on your computer to make Image Resizer do its job. You upload the images you want to shrink. The file formats supported by Image Resizer include JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP and GIF.
You can use Simple Image Resizer to resize photos and images online, on a variety of different situations, for example:
- posting photos on Facebook, Google+ and other social media
- publishing images on your website to make sure pages load fast
- sending images as email attachments
- posting photos on blog or forum
- including pictures within word or pdf documents